Sassitude Vol. XI
Grab your faux fur and heels and descend down into the glamarous depths of VFDalston on the eve of Friday the 29th for a night of passion, sass, temptation and more!
Summer may be dead (rip) but sass is transcendental and does not adhere to any specific seasons. We at Sassitude are dedicated to bringing you sass all year round, come rain or shine, we will forever glisten on the dancefloor like a dimante encrusted choker sparkling in the streetlights of Dalston.
♥ Djs playing for your aural pleasure ♥
♥ From Cuba to London Perla Ensangrentada will be announcing her return with tantalising tunes.
♥ Yes Quaine's iconic duo Lily Bling & Daniel Sansom will be bringing both poppers & pop to the dj table.
♥ And of course cheeky minx Emily Rose England will continue to assult your earbuds with femme fabulous sounds.
Doors open 10pm, curtain close 3am.
At Sassitude we understand that sass sometimes has to be done on a budget. To accomodate this entry is £3 before 11.30 and £5 after.