Alongside Needless Alley, Oxjam Dalston presents a gratuitous night of music and performance art. Based on their endless love of pop music, they invite you to head down to VogueFabricsDalston on 27 September to escape from your worldly woes into our decadent new world. Live performances from: Foxy & Husk | Louise Orwin | Holestar | Samuel Kennedy | $hift$ | + SPECIAL GUEST Jonathan Kemp
Louise Orwin Louise is an artist-researcher living and working in London. Her work spans the live and the recorded with incarnations in performance,video and photography. She is preoccupied with liveness, awkwardness, femininity and masochism- but above all, she likes to have fun.
Samuel Kennedy
Holestar Blurring boundaries between the avant-garde and mass entertainment, pop culture and the underground through music & performance. A multi-talented biological woman and former British soldier with an MA in Fine Arts, Holestar has been entertaining, DJing and showing off since giving birth to her gender bending persona while living in Vienna in 2003.
Foxy and Husk Foxy and Husk is a playful performance artist whose work experiments with the disciplines of lip-synch, video, cabaret and performance art. Foxy and Husk is a previous collaborator of Needless Alley Collective and has produced work for the Old Vic Tunnels, Battersea Arts Centre & the Forest Fringe.
Jonathan Kemp (DJ) Jonathan Kemp is writer/academic as well as a DJ. For 9 years he ran the club night Lower The Tone with artist Sadie Lee & musician Lea Andrews. He is the resident Dj at the spoken word night Feelings at Vogue Fabrics.
Club night from 11pm We also have Foxy and Holestar on the decks providing the soundtrack to your Friday night with a finale SPECIAL GUEST Jonathan Kemp!
Tickets for the show are £7 - and will give you free admission into the club night that follows.
Club only - £5
All money raised will go Oxfam GB.
Wegottickets donate 50% of the booking fee to OXFAM GB