Naked Boys Reading is back this Thursday 29th November so we’ve asked some of this month’s nude readers some festive and not so festive questions. JAMES FRY
What will you be reading at NBR?
For NBR I will be reading a little excerpt from The Lord of the Rings, partly because I'm a massive geek, partly because The Hobbit movie will be opening the night before and partly because it fits rather well into the theme of gifts.
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? And what’s the worst?
The best gift I ever received was a copy of The Secret History by Donna Tartt, which is my favourite book. It was lent out and never returned, as has happened with about five or six copies since. Understandable, really, it's a great novel.
The worst gift I ever received was a towel I got for Christmas about ten years ago with a white section labelled 'FACE' and a brown section labelled 'ARSE'. The creation of such an item must have been insulting to all concerned.
Is there anything particular that you’d like to find under this year’s Christmas tree?
I've found over the last few years that my wants are becoming more and more mundane. Last year the highlight of my Christmas list was a bale of towels. This year's features a memory foam pillow and socks. I'd quite like a new job, but I doubt that's something that can be gifted. More's the pity!
Do you like surprises?
I do enjoy surprises, although I suppose that depends on the nature of the surprise. My flatmates have a surprise planned for my birthday in December, but I have no idea what they're up to. I am suspicious.
What will you be reading at NBR?
I have an idea but it’s a secret, a little mystery I feel is always good.
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? And what’s the worst?
I don’t really seem to get many gifts anymore. So it’s probably something from when I was young like a new bike, oh wait I got bought a Cocker Spaniel puppy once. That was the best.
The worst.. Crabs..? Herpes.. the gift that keeps on giving.
Is there anything particular that you’d like to find under this year’s Christmas tree?
I’m incredibly shallow so I’m gonna say I want to find Francois Sagat under my Christmas tree. Fuck knows what I’ll do with him but I’d like to have him around, just in case.
Do you like surprises?
Hell yeah
Naked Boys Reading happens on the last Thursday every other month, with the next event on Thursday 19th November. To keep up to date with future events join the Naked Boys Reading mailing list.