After the colossal party that was [error_404_] bet you didn't think we had it in us for another one, but we're back and this time we're getting fashionable darlings!!! In light of Vogue's September issue and Yeezy's latest atrocities, Maxi More and her merry Sunday~Funsters are flagrantly disregarding normative notions of clothing and costume to bring you THE BIN BAG BALL 2016!!!
That's right, we're throwing a trashy toga party, where everyone is Donnatella Versace!
With even the tattiest of Dalston fashions now prohibitively priced due to brexit and luxury flats, the future relies on us being able to express ourselves through cheap immediate fashion! SUNDAY~FUNDAY is here to ignite the flame of fashion inside you, whilst reminding us all that everything is trash and our colourful lives are trash, and even the shiny perfect people in your newsfeed, THEY'RE TRASH TOO!!!
(If you think this is harsh, then you're not cut out for fashion).
The Bin Bag Ball 2016 will be all the FUN you've come to expect from our Sunday night queer dance party come late~night~drag~show, but basically covered in bin bags. But because we know all about fashion now, there are a few extras!
Because of fashion, we're being all edgy and have live music performance, which is very AW16. There will also be a promenade (some call this a catwalk) of our most outlandish bin bag fashions, and our esteemed judges will decide who gets the crown and title of "MISS BIN BAG 2016", as well as a hamper of coveted fashion accessories and £10 to start your own fashion empire!
Doors open from 9pm, with fashion show and cabaret from 10:30 onwards.