The Outsiders Gallery/Flags About Home

This month we unveil our new Window Exhibition from Halina Edwards a designer and researcher based in London.

Currently Lead Designer at The Black Curriculum, Jamaican-born Edwards takes on a reflective approach to design - exploring the meaning of home through preservation and memory.

The area of interest within her research focuses on the movement and mobilization of the Caribbean diaspora both in the Caribbean and the UK, centering on the image, moving image, and audio.

Her work has been exhibited at the 198 Contemporary Art & Learning Centre in collaboration with Afropunk and has showcased work at London Fashion Week.

The exhibition:

Flags About Home is set to navigate the meaning of home through preservation and memory by exploring the environment, location, and food.

After a remark was made to me to “go back home [to where you come from]”, it made me question the definition of home. What home is, what home means, and the feelings that surround the notion of home that keeps us feeling safe.

To tell someone to go back home when they have spent the majority of their living life in the country where you both life is strange. I was born in Jamaica and raised in the UK. Home is unique and individual. My dual nationality gives me perspective. My cultural upbringing, selfhood, and identity are rooted in Caribbean culture and sensibilities. The UK gave me an education, an upbringing, friends, a way of life, and a place for my family to settle.

The flag above the building is to commemorate Windrush Day. It marks the 73rd anniversary of SS Empire Windrush arriving at Tilbury Docks in Essex in 1948.

Please use flash photography for the flag hanging above the building of VFD.

This exhibition is part of the Hackney Windrush Art Commissions curated by Create London in partnership with Hackney Council, supported by Freelands Foundation.