in the Window: Sex Workers Rights.

This months Window exhibition we have the piece ‘Sex Workers Rights’.

The Sex Worker Open University has since been renamed SWARM (Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement) and this year celebrates its ten year anniversary. SWARM works closely with Decrim Now, the English Collective of Prostitutes, the xtalk project and the ICRSE, amongst many others, who all campaign to improve the safety and rights of sex workers. This work is primarily done by campaigning against austerity measures, against stigma, and for the full decriminalisation of sex work. Only full decriminalisation keeps sex workers safe. “Legalisation” is separate and distinct from decriminalisation. Legalisation, in countries where it exists, continues to separate, stigmatise and put sex workers at risk with specially-designated zones, permits and controls which are racist and transphobic. Sex workers who need to exit the industry are much more able to do so if their work is decriminalised. The criminalisation of sex workers’ clients (often referred to as ‘the Nordic Model’ or ‘the Swedish Model’) puts sex workers at a far greater risk of violence. The violence, misogyny and racism of the sex industry will not go away, but it has been immeasurably improved in countries with full decriminalisation. To find out more or to donate, contact the following organisations:

SWARM Instagram @sexworkhive Twitter@SexWorkHive

xtalk Twitter @xtalkproject

DecrimNow (campaign and union) Twitter

The posters are available to buy by contacting 07547 629479.