>> Non Stop Erotic Cinema
3am-3pm // £5
For Femmetopia Festival, Nice Mover brings you a 12-hour non-stop erotic cinema experience. Flowing on from the Non Stop Erotic Disco, we present all-night high-trash iconic queer films with beanbags, popcorn, cocktails and plenty of wet wipes.
03:00-04:00 - ‘Slow Fxck’ by Grace Small (DJ set) with visuals from Vampyros Lesbos
04:00-05.50 - Jubilee
05.50 -06.00 - Queer porn
06:00- 07:50 - Funeral Parade of Roses
07:50 -08:00 - Green Porn
08:00 - 10:00 - Liquid Sky
10:00 - 12:00 - John Waters Film
12:00 - 13:30 - Born in Flames
13:30 - 15:00 - Female Misbehaviour
>> Lucy McCormick: Workshop
4pm-5pm // TBC
A work in progress performance of a workshop exploring how to give a workshop.
Please note this is a performance that is also a workshop.
The workshop being workshopped explores Lucys performance practice via a workshop, that is also a performance.
>> Sunday Funday
@Clissold Park
3.30pm - 3am
For the femme~tastically FUN finale of VFD’s Femmetopia Festival, occasional sun~worshipers and infamous sunday specialists SUNDAY~FUNDAY are celebrating sunny~summertime** and serving celestial daytime silliness with an afternoon of solar~basking, wind~wafting, and generally being beautiful queers in nature, followed by a night of characteristically colourful and frantic FUN in our basement of dreams VFD!!!
>>> 3:30pm - Sun Set <<<
Clissold Park, Stoke Newington
(Map and directions to be announced)
From mid afternoon until twilight our sun~hungry Sunday Funsters will be bringing all the funday lols to the green! With breezy music, DIY workshops, games, yoga, BYO drinks and other picnic treats, we will create a queer colour garden to spend the afternoon together celebrating the openness and opportunity that summer’s bounty brings. Al fresco am hows at sunset!
>>>8:30pm - LATE<<<
Colour Cave RAVE
Then from 8:30pm onwards we’ll be bouncing around our basement of dreams, taking all the summery vibes of the day and decorating our colour cave with them! With the most addictively danceable music, the gayest of partygames, an unmissable late night drag show and enough stamina to go for hours, we’re showing bank-holiday what we think of it!
So make the most of your precious Sunday, the fleeting freeness of summer and our colourful queerness for a Funday of sun and a Sunday of fun!!!
Day party all free, but byo drinks and picnic. No littering tolerated! We ♥️ nature! Wear sun-cream, tell your friends, bring your kids, elderly relatives or friends and pets welcome.
**After a woefully long winter it’s time to get out there and embrace the sunshine! However if we do foresee inclemency on the day, arrangements will be made to host a “rainy play~day” at VFD! Alternatively the Sunday~Funday crew, who have been known to change the weather (see Sunday~Funday “Funderbolt”) will cast another weather spell and vanish any rain!
See you in the FUNSHINE!!!