Monday 28th May
>> Grabbing Pussy: bank-holiday brunch with Karen Finley
@ The Rio Cinema
12pm-2pm // £5 concession / £10 full price
Book launch, film screening and conversation with Karen Finley.
In a breathless cascade of poetry and prose, celebrated performance artist Karen Finley lays bare the psychosexual obsessions that have burst to the surface of today’s American politics.
Film Screening: Far East of Eden.
A short film created by Karen Finley and director Bruce Yonemoto which overlaps the historical white-supremacist anti-immigration politician James D. Phelan with the contemporary vitriol of Donald Trump, showing how racist rhetoric pervades across a century. Featuring the voice of George Takei, Finley and Yonemoto take us on an acerbic and perturbing journey through the way hateful and violent words can soon become dangerous legislation.
Book Launch: Grabbing Pussy
Grabbing Pussy is Finley’s an exuberant sashay through the hot coupling of sex and politics in contemporary America, based on her highly praised show Unicorn Gratitude Mystery (at VFD on Saturday 26th May). Finley will be reading excerpts from the book, and signed copies will be available to buy at the event.
Conversation and Q&A
Finley will be in conversation with Femmetopia Festival co-curator Phoebe Patey-Ferguson, followed by a Q&A.
> LADA’s Unbound will be in the foyer selling books dedicated to live art, performance and interdisciplinary art practice, with exclusive copies of Finley’s Grabbing Pussy.
> Catch the final day of the Femme Exhibition in the Rio, curated by Kat Hudson for Femmetopia Festival.