The Outsiders Gallery/Behind Desire Exhibition by Sex & Rage

“Behind Desire” Exhibition

Sex and Rage is a sex-worker, educator and activist led

organisation. Our mission is to resist stigma and shame

through sex education. We resist stigma and shame as the

main causes of sexual and gender-based violence, and

aim to make social change through sex education. Our

work explores the intersections between sex workers

rights and those of women, sexual minorities and

marginalised communities, and offer events and

workshops that engage in dialogue, creative and

embodied practices as a way to empowering individuals

and communities living in oppressive systems.

The images in this exhibition portray three members of

Sex and Rage in the comfort of their own home. These

works were made during the continual process of creating

Behind Desire Festival, a series of workshops and events

exploring the lives of sex workers and erotic artists behind

the facade and fantasy of contrived eroticism. Behind

Desire is the third festival since Sex and Rage’s

conception in 2019.

Imogen Cleverley is the dyke, kinky person and

photographic smut artist, commissioned for this first

phase of the Sex and Rage body of work. 

She says: “I have worked collaboratively with each member

of Sex & Rage, using the erotic as a baseline but not as the

sole ambition. Each person shot took a journey of their own

practice, rituals and preludes to sex work within their home,

toying with reality and fantasy and exploring dynamics that

arose within that process.” 

Sex and Rage



Imogen Cleverley
