The Outsiders Gallery/ We are in the hold(ing) sister by Ebun Sodipo


We are in the hold(ing), sister

Through a process of fragmentation, collage, and fabulation, Ebun devises softer, other-wise ways of imagining and speaking about the body, desire, archives, and the past. In dialogue with artists Em Williams, Ms Siren and Dextra Mandrake, this installation explores the intangibility of trans belonging and forms of trans people caring for themselves and each other.

Ebun Sodipo is a London based artist making work for those who will come after: the black trans people of the future. Her interdisciplinary practice narrates her construction of a black trans-feminine self after slavery and colonialism. Ms Siren is a contemporary performance artist born in Poland, whose work is fuelled by individuality and immersing soulful experiences through life. Em Williams is an actor and theatre-maker expressing themselves in movement and kindness. They grew up in the midlands with their Jamaican Irish family. Dextra Mandrake is an autistic and trans artist. She is currently a philosophy student at KCL and a signed model in London, Paris and Milan.


Ebun Sodipo / @epastry

Ms Siren / @ms__siren

Em Williams / @hellothemwilliams

Dextra Mandrake / @dextra_mandrake


Stella Marbles / @stellamarbles