The Outsiders Gallery/Emani Edwards by Alex Mein


This exhibition is the result of a collaboration between the fashion stylist Emani Edwards and fashion illustrator Alex Mein. After connecting through social media, Edwards (based in Kingston, Jamaica) and Mein (London, England) conducted a series of live drawing sessions over Zoom video calls during 2020 and 2021. In these sittings Mein made a variety of timed observational sketches of Edwards in self-styled outfits that have been developed into the artwork on public display in the VFD window.

Edwards’ work focuses on breaking barriers by combining fashion, activism and social justice to amplify the talent and excellence within the Jamaican trans community. She gives local LGBTQIA+ creatives a platform to showcase and produce work that disrupts and challenges traditionally-held notions of the intersections of race, gender, sexuality and politics. Her use of fashion image making is a protest and seeks to represent models and clients of marginalised and vulnerable groups - the majority from the Transgender community.

This collaboration acknowledges the traditions of 20th Century western fashion illustration, which has historically focused on eurocentric and heteronormative representations of beauty and creativity. By presenting Edwards in larger than life figurative drawings, the hope is to create space and visibility for her presence and artistic perspective - narratives that have often been left out of drawn fashion imagery.